Although you would never be able to tell by the type of summer we're having, Whitehorse is a semi-arid region. In spite of this year's cool, rainy weather,
succulent plants grow here. They're not big and showy and prickly like the cactus you can find down south; they're small and pretty and colourful.

Flowering succulents, growing on a south-facing slope. I don't know their actual name. Are there any plant experts out there?

Small but elegant. These fat little clusters can be found at the base of the flowers pictured above.
The yellow flowers look like lance-leaved stonecrop to me. However the clusters at its base have me stumped. I could see nothing like it in any of my wildflower books.
Holy blog posts! Gee, you must be really unproductive since you're blogging from work...(well, home IS your workplace right?!?!) LOL
Thanks for the Atlin update. Good to see what I missed... :(
Stacie: Sometimes I work at odd hours, so it all gets balanced out in the end.
Janet: Neat! Thanks for identifying that! I think that the clusters at the base might actually be the same plant - just without the flowery stem. I'll need to go look at them again to be sure.
That was a joke, referring to the comment on Fawn's blog... get it? Ok, maybe I'm stretching things going from
The top one is a relative of chick and hens.
The other one is a succulent and when i go to moms tomorrow i will look it up. They are very hearty and hard to kill. They dont need water, but if you water it regularly it will bloom and spread. They are easy to transplant and handle winter well. If you cover with a good heap of leaves that are damp that will keep them well insulated and will help them come back in the spring.
Stacie: OHHHH! You know, I thought it was a little weird that I would get a comment like that on the same day as Fawn...
Micheal, thanks for the beautiful photographs, as usual. (Both the festival and the plants)
By the way, you've been tagged. pthththth!
And so has Fawn! :)
Ha ha, I see how this works... you butter me up and then BAM!
That's the way to do it. After the misunderstanding with Stacie, it looked like you needed some. You must've missed the LOL in her first post. ;)
No, I got it. My responses were supposed to be read with a sarcastic tone. :P They need some sort of emoticon that indicates sarcasm...
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