
April 11, 2009

Candidate for the Darwin Awards...

The other day, I saw a young lady driving her white Yaris up Two-Mile Hill during Whitehorse's rush minute while she was texting on her phone. From the bottom right to the top of the hill, she was texting. I never once saw her look above her steering wheel.

When I commuted in Ottawa, I saw some people doing some dumb things in rush-hour traffic: reading books, applying make-up, shaving, etc., but to their credit, the traffic was never traveling above 10 km/h. Heck, I even wrote a blog entry on my laptop in the vehicle line at a Canada/US border crossing once. What makes this different is that the young lady was doing it at about 80 km/h on a winding road with intersections known for their high accident rates. Just how urgently important could that message have been?! Phone them instead! It's safer! (I can't believe I just said that.)

Sometimes I wish I had the authority to take away drivers' licenses.

In the meantime, I'll keep my eyes on the Darwin Awards. I'm sure she'll turn up there eventually.


Every Photo Tells A Story said...

Yeah, there are plenty of candidates for the Darwin Awards. Such as these WINNERS.

Happy Easter!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

That is really scary! And why is it Whitehorse drivers seem to refuse to use their blinkers???

Unknown said...

In some parts of Canada, this is now illegal, Whitehorse is just behind the times. LOL. I refuse to even talk on my cellphone while driving. I always pull over. However, I have been in the passenger seat with three different people up here that have been texting while driving. But I'm not one to talk about dangerous text habits, I text in the shower, the bath and while doing dishes. :)

Scientific Chick said...

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Followed closely by people who, on the plane right after landing, yank out their cellphones seconds after the "please don't use your cellphone" announcement.

Why is it so hard to follow simple instructions?

Allmycke said...

Kara, when I lived in Inuvik we were certain that taxi cabs delivered to the NWT didn't have blinkers - at all...
As for people using their cellphone while driving - I think it's getting prohibited in more an more places. Good thing!