
December 20, 2006

Putting it all into perspective.

I've just got to link to this entry from the "Memo from the North of 60 Desk".

And people wonder why I'd rather snowshoe than ride around on a crotch-rocket snowmachine...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Michael.

One great thing about snow machines: they do a great job packing down trails for biking and skiing!

Meandering Michael said...

So do snowshoes! There have been more than a few times when a good pair of snowshoes has been able to pack down a trail that the snowmachines couldn't handle.

Ian C. said...

Ach. There's a time for quiet contemplation hiking on trails. And there's a time for wind-searing speed that brings you to the edge of DEATH and back again!

Meandering Michael said...

"Wind-searing speed that brings you to the edge of DEATH and back again!"??? I would argue that you can get that on a bike. Check out and try to ride down "Money Shot" without using any brakes.