
December 25, 2011

Christmas with the Kids

It happens every year, but it's different with kids.  We do things we might not otherwise do, like going to see "The Nutcracker".

I took Jade last year and we both really enjoyed it.  This year, Fawn and Halia came along.  We were worried that sitting still through the performance would be too difficult for an active three-year-old girl, but we were wrong.  She watched with rapt attention.

They both liked it so much that they wanted to watch the VHS version as soon as we got home.  It helps that they do an excellent job of it here in Whitehorse.

We also went to a Christmas concert at a local school, where the Grade 1s were playing Fawn's Christmas  song, "Angels Are Smiling".  It was soooooooooooooooooo cute seeing them sing the song (with cue cards to help them along) and they did an excellent job.  Jade and Halia enjoyed the performance, too.

Do they look really grown up in that previous picture?  I thought so, too, so naturally I put them to work.

Just kidding.  They're both playing on their favourite (shhhhh-they're-learning-how-to-read-but-don't-tell-them) website,  And just to prove that it's not all work, here are some pictures from us at play.

Aww, what a cute kitty!

Bad kitty!  Get out of that banjo case!  (Yes, just in case you were wondering, our cat, Crook, is still alive.)

Our friend, Nita, dropped by with some presents for the girls.  She made one gorgeous quilt for Jade and another gorgeous quilt for Halia.  They love them.  Thanks, Nita!!!

The same night that Nita dropped by with the quilts, we took the girls out for a little bit of Christmas carolling with about 30-40 or our neighbours.  It has become a bit of an annual tradition here, but the first year that we were able to participate.

Right now, the girls are tucked snugly in their beds.  I'm sure it'll be happy mayhem in a half-dozen precious hours.

I hope that your Christmas is filled with happy mayhem, too.  Merry Christmas!


Megan said...

Merry Christmas, Meandering Family!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from David in Maine

i poke around here once in a while!

Meandering Michael said...

Hi, Five! Happy New Year!

gymnastics for toddlers said...

Thank you for sharing this it looks like the kids had a wonderful Christmas.

nurofen for children said...

Its good to know that your kids are healthy and they look adorable. Thanks.