Canadians have been known to give Americans a hard time for their lack of knowledge - or their hilarious misconceptions - about Canada, but that's a dangerous game to play because the same thing happens between Northern Canadians and Southern Canadians. Heck, I was once part of a meeting with a certain politician who had a northern portfolio and he introduced himself by talking about how he knew what it was like to be a northerner because he was from... Muskoka. Three hours north of Canada's biggest city (six if you count rush hour) and he is a northerner. We spent the rest of the meeting educating him about how ice bridges affect grocery supply and other northern goodness.
But a lot of Canadians just don't have a clue about the North. I don't hold it against anyone. How can you know unless you've been taught or unless you've been?
Up Here Magazine commissioned a survey to find out how much Southern Canadians know about the North. The results indicate that a lot of people haven't been taught about the North and many, many, many, many haven't been.
How much do you know about the North? Take the UpHere challenge!
Scored 86%...
I'm embarrassed to say I only got 30/36, but to be fair, there IS a university North of 60. It's just in Alaska.
I didn't do very well.
Nemmy has nothing to be embarrassed about.
I did well, but not well enough for having lived there AND being part of the military. Though I DID get that question right!! hahahahaha!
Great quiz!
Captain Momma
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