
May 29, 2009

Ross River's Mounted Animal Nature Tour

There seem to be a lot of stuffed and mounted animals in Ross River. The first time I was in the community, a lynx was "breathing" down my neck while I ate breakfast in the restaurant. It was a strange feeling to have a long-deceased animal staring at my food. Today, the restaurant is being renovated and the animals will not be part of the new decor.

A beaver, lynx, and wolverine walk into a bar...

With a little bit of work and the development of a trail map, Ross River could have it's own Mounted Animal Nature Trail.

Over at the Ross River Service Center, you can see mounts of much bigger mammals...

...and some smaller ones...

I'm sure there's a stuffed Sasquatch (and maybe a Wendigo) around here somewhere.


Clare said...

And the Lynx goes...
And the Wolf goes...

Jennybell said...

You know, why doesn't McDonald's have mounted cows or chickens?
I don't think I could eat with them staring at me

Carolyn said...

How is Ross River doing? My very first job in the Yukon was with Welcome North Mines out of Rosss River. I don't remember any of those critters in the hotel and I understand it is the same hotel from 35 years ago!!! Thanks for sharing Michael, interesting post.

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

But Hunter loves the mounted animals at the restaurant!!!!

Meandering Michael said...

Carolyn, it's probably the same hotel, but I think the critters were put in there, oh, about thirty years ago.

(I'm not sure when they first made their appearance, actually, but it's still the same hotel - currently undergoing renovations)