
February 07, 2009

Spotted in the UK...

The publicity being generated by the video has been astounding!

What's equally astounding is how many of you, my readers and supporters, have come forward with your own ideas to help with the campaign to get me hired for Tourism Queensland's "Best Job in the World".

Check out this picture, which was recently sent from a supporter in the UK...
Spotted in the UK...

OK, so the picture is a fake, but the support is real. Every day, I hear from people who are trying to rate the video, but are having troubles with the stars. Every day, I hear from people who are blogging about the campaign or who are passing the link to the video on to their friends and family. Every day, I hear from people with encouraging words like, "I hope you get this job" and "They're crazy if they don't hire you" and "Go for it!" Every day, I hear from people who have seen my campaign on the news or who have heard about it on the radio. Just the other day, I heard from a colleague whose friends in England told him about the campaign.

Lately, though, I've been hearing new things: I've heard comments from some people that they're planning on making their own youtube videos to support the campaign and I've even heard whisperings about public support rallies if I make it to the Top 50.

I've set out to do something daunting. To be the one person selected from 10,000 other eager applicants is no small feat. Your support and your encouragement and your enthusiasm is what's going to make this happen.

You guys are the best.


Every Photo Tells A Story said...

Well, gullible me fell for the old bus trick! Though, you could stick a banner like that on your car:)

Michael, we're only supporting you so we can visit(lol)

Anonymous said...

Okay - dumb question but how do I cast a vote for your video? Where do I go? What do I do? Help! I need a "voting for Michael for dummies" guide!