
February 01, 2008

The Cold

Is it just me, or does -40oC not feel as cold as it did at the start of the week?


Anonymous said...

It's not just you. I can even feel the difference between yesterday morning's -47.4 and this morning's -42.6! So of course -40 would be a walk in the park...

Of course, it might help that on Tuesday I was wearing my regular "dressy" black coat and yesterday and today I've got on my Nunavut parka and Carharts.

ExploreNorth said...

I spent a few hours outside with my camera today - I'm frozen!

Meandering Michael said...

Ah, but would you have spent a few hours earlier in the week?

IndyComp0T1 said...

Hats off to you guys up there with the -40C weather. I cannot even begin to fathom what that feels like. In Toronto, we don't get much colder than -10C (maybe -15C with windchill). That's already way too cold for me. Yesterday we had a "major" snowstorm - a whole 20cm of snow in the city - which, while not crippling (the mayor didn't call in the army this time!), it did nonetheless cause school closures and driving advisories.

Meandering Michael said...

Believe it or not (and you probably won't until you experience it for yourself), but -40C feels more comfortable than -15C in Toronto. That damp Toronto cold...ICK!

dogsled_stacie said...

That's totally true Michael! I came out of the cabin yesterday and went, "whoa, it must have warmed up" as I go to get a few pieces of wood without a jacket - it was -40, exactly. I'm starting to think the thermometer is stuck!

Shockr said...

+5 feels like summer to me...

1234567890 said...

I don't know about -40 feeling warmer, but after that last week of cold temps -28 this morning felt like spring!

Peter Tyrrell said...

The other day I walked in the surf with my pants rolled up and got sand between my toes. It was 18C and I was in Southern California. I stopped briefly and remembered how cold it was in the Yukon. Then I laughed out loud.

sattvicwarrior said...

LOVE your pics and your blog. . . BUT. sorry. ill take a "cool" california winter of 65 degrees and a few hours in the sun .