
October 03, 2007

Dear Spammers...

I am quite comfortable with the size of my penis, and I don't appreciate it when you interrupt me in the middle of my work to tell me otherwise. Please leave me alone or I just might challenge you to a game of "Who's bigger?".


ExploreNorth said...

Spammers need to be declared terrorists, with severe penalties. They do at least as much economic damage as any of the groups normally called terrorists. The problem ultimately, though, is that somebody is obviously clicking on those emails enough to make it a viable business! :(

Meandering Michael said...

I know that some countries have some pretty severe measures for spammers. It was a topic that went to the House of Commons a few years ago...I wonder what happened?

Anonymous said...

What I don't get is why spammers feel that their mails will be taken seriously when certain words are misspelt in the subject line or message body. What do they expect me to think? "Oh, how clever of him to try to spell that word THAT way to bypass my spam filter! Of COURSE I'm going to buy that Chinese viagra now!"