
June 12, 2010

I'm curious...

I saw this on youtube yesterday and I can't help but wonder, is this some kind of test to see how dumb people are?

Seriously, everybody knows it was Weibo Ludwig's fault. Either him or leprechauns. Yeah, it's gotta have been the leprechauns.


Anonymous said...

Nah, I'm sure it's evil little creatures in green suits with one eye in the middle of their foreheads who we should blame.
I mean, we couldn't possibly put the blame on actual people such as the head honchos in the company... That would be too simple, wouldn't it?
(The Chairman of the Board is Swedish - and I'm not impressed with his actions!)

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

Sweet. I love that you bring up the bombings from my home!

Jennoit said...

Isn't the whole "blame Obama" thing bizarre?!

Meandering Michael said...

They're pitching it as "Obama's Katrina".

Nemmy said...

Just as bizarre, in my opinion, is Sarah Palin blaming environmentalists for the oil spill ( Brought to you by the same brilliant minds who equated equal access to health care with death panels... riiight...

Jennybell said...

OMG! Do you not have Fox News in the Yukon so you KNOW it's all Obama's fault and George Bush never did anything wrong ever in his entire 8 yrs as Pres?? I love how they think Obama should know how to fix an oil leak! If the oil people can't get it why should he know. Did you see the apology made to BP by the Texas congressman????
money talks!!!!!

Meandering Michael said...

Drugs, booze, and Fox News: Three things I avoid because they rot your brain.

Seriously though, George Bush NEVER made any mistakes, right?