
December 02, 2008

Caption Contest

CBC has used this picture for several of their articles on the Conservative/Coalition showdown. Like any good picture, this one is worth at least a thousand words and I'd like to hear some of yours.  Therefore, I hereby announce the first ever Michael's Meanderings Caption Contest!

Submit your entry in the comments section, below.  Judging will begin on Sunday.


Mongoose said...

Threesome: ur doin it rong.

Anonymous said...

The Liberals and the Bloc congratulate Layton on winning the Middle Age Man Hair Loss contest

Anonymous said...

D'oh - it was really the PATHETIC MIDDLE AGED MAN HAIR LOSS contest...

Anonymous said...

May I cut in?

KatzPJs said...

Jack: So we agree, I get custody of the nads Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can use them on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and the Bloc can have visitation rights on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gilles! What cold hands you have!

Anonymous said...

Duceppe: 'Ey, look at my 'and. Look, look! Dis eez da 'and of da bad guy. Come on. Da last time you gonna see a bad guy like dis again, let me tell you. Come on, make way for da bad guy - dere's a bad guy comin' tru! Better get outta 'is way!

Anonymous said...

CANADA BAILS OUT THE STATES: Today, Canada agreed to buy the CEOs of the top three car manufacturing companies, where Canada will put the three former CEOS in more challenging, thankless and underpaid positions--as the Coalition Government.

Nemmy said...

Gilles: Um... Jack... You still owe me five bucks.

IndyComp0T1 said...

The Three Stooges as they prepare to take down Darth Vader.